Kitura Markdown

In this guide, we will show you how to serve a web page generated from Markdown templates (.md files) using Kitura-Markdown.

Step 1: Add KituraMarkdown to Project

To use Markdown from a server, we first need to add Kitura-Markdown to our dependencies.

If you don't have a server, follow our Create a server guide.

Next, we need to import the KituraMarkdown package.

Open your Application.swift file:

open Sources/Application/Application.swift

Then at the top of the file add the import statement for KituraMarkdown:

import KituraMarkdown

Now we can register the KituraMarkdown Template Engine to our router instance.

Inside the postInit() function add:

router.add(templateEngine: KituraMarkdown())

Kitura supports multiple template engines being registered to a single instance of a router. By default each templating engine will handle files in the ./Views directory that match the file extension it supports.

Step 2: Configure KituraMarkdown

We may wish to provide a custom configuration for these properties, for example, to configure the contents of the <head> tag.

To provide this configuration we can provide a HTML wrapper template for our rendered Markdown using MarkdownOptions.

Inside the postInit() function add:

let markdownOptions = MarkdownOptions(pageTemplate: "default")

We have selected the default template which provides the following HTML wrapper:

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <html lang=\"en\">
       <meta charset=\"UTF-8\">

Alternatively you can provide your own template using MarkdownOptions:

let markdownOptions = MarkdownOptions(pageTemplate: """
 <!DOCTYPE html>
 <html lang=\"en\">
         <meta charset=\"UTF-8\">
             <h1>My Page Title</h1>

During the rendering of the Markdown file, our rendered Markdown content replaces the <snippetInsertLocation></snippetInsertLocation> tag.

Step 3: Create the template file

By default, Kitura looks for template files in a ./Views directory found at the root of the project.

Typically the root of your project is where the .xcodeproj directory is.

Once we are in the root of our project we can create the directory:

mkdir Views

Then we need to create our template file within the Views directory:

cd Views && touch

Now we have everything we need to start creating our templates.

If you are using Xcode and used the command line to create your Views directory you will need to regenerate your Xcode project:

swift package generate-xcodeproj

This is to enable Xcode to detect the new directory.

Now we can add some Markdown to render:

So in the file add:

# Books Header

Description with **bold** text

* Book1
* Book2

Step 4: Render the Markdown

We've added the KituraMarkdown template engine to our router, so now we can use it in a route.

Just below our other registered routes we can create a new route for KituraMarkdown:

router.get("/book") { request, response, next in
    try response.render("", context: [:], options: markdownOptions))

You will notice a context parameter is required, however as Markdown files provide all the context this value is ignored, so we simply pass in an empty context.

The response.render() method attempts to populate the template file with the provided data.

So in our case KituraMarkdown will take the file and render the Markdown in it to be viewed in a browser.

Now to test our templating we first need to start the Kitura server.

Then in a brower we can open:


In the browser we should see:

Books Header

Description with bold text

  • Book1
  • Book2

That's it! We've successfully rendered some Markdown into a browser using KituraMarkdown.