Installing and configuring a SQLite database

Step 1: Install SQLite

To use Swift-Kuery-SQLite you need to first install SQLite:


On macOS we can use Homebrew to install SQLite:

brew install sqlite


On Linux we can use apt-get to install SQLite:

sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev

Step 2: Create an SQLite database

Now that we have SQLite installed we can create a database file.

In terminal return to your home directory:

cd ~

Use the SQL command line to create your database:

sqlite3 bookstoredb.sqlite

Remaining in the command line, create an SQL table:

      id varchar(100) primary key,
      title text,
      price real,
      genre text

press Control-d to exit SQLite.

Now we're ready to connect to our database from our Kitura server.

Step 3: Create a connection to an SQLite database

Add Swift-Kuery and SwiftKuerySQLite to the dependencies in the Package.swift file.

Inside the file which defines the routes, KueryRoutes.swift, import the SwiftKuery and SwiftKuerySQLite packages:

import SwiftKuery
import SwiftKuerySQLite

Inside the App extension, create a connection pool by passing in the path to your database file:

static let path = NSString(string: "~/bookstoredb.sqlite").expandingTildeInPath
static let poolOptions = ConnectionPoolOptions(initialCapacity: 1, maxCapacity: 5)
static let pool = SQLiteConnection.createPool(filename: String(path), poolOptions: poolOptions)
// Create table instance here

This creates a pool of connections for us to use to make requests to our database.

Now you can return to the Swift-Kuery guide.